Housing UofT or Renting an Apartment in Toronto?
Housing UofT or renting an apartment? Which one you choose. Read this article to find out more about which one is better.
To graduates, only one of the most critical decisions to make when you get admitted to the university is where to live: in student housing, or in an off-campus apartment.
Which one is better?
There are clearly advantages and disadvantages to each. So we’ve broken down the costs, disadvantages, and benefits of each option so you can decide what is best for you.
Read More: Room for Rent in Toronto at $300 – Best Options to Choose From
Housing UofT
Cost: $2,000/month, including a meal plan and services
approximately $16,000 for the 8-month school term at University of Toronto
![housing uoft](https://tirbnb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMAGE-1_Bond-Accomodation-LM-5912_750x320.jpg)
Housing UofT Pros:
- no apartment hunting required
- close to class
- parties
- meal plan = no cooking
- surrounded by young students
Housing UofT Cons:
- no kitchen = no cooking
- very small space
- limited interaction with non-students
- you’re always at school parties
- 8 months only. If you plan to work for the summer, find somewhere else to live
- You can’t choose your roommate
Renting a Furnished Condo
Cost of sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with a roommate; including meals and utilities, est. $1,240 per month
![housing uoft](https://tirbnb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/condo-vs-apartment-1170x658-1-1024x576.jpeg)
- choose your roommate
- choose your location in a neighborhood you like
- have your own food, ability to cook and eat healthily
- 12-month lease, great if you’re staying for the summer
- meet your neighbors
- choose what you pay for rent
- travel to get to class
- buying groceries, cooking
- apartment hunting
- the fluctuating cost of utilities
Looking for Short Term Rentals in Downtown Toronto?
If you aim to stay in downtown Toronto, you can choose one of the Tirbnb Properties. For example, you can try the cozy Top Three Toronto Studio Apartments to Rent, or Most Luxury Condos in Toronto, or The Best Rental Suites in Downtown Toronto as your next home.
![room for rent Toronto $400](https://tirbnb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/room-for-rent-toronto-400-2.jpg)
Staying in downtown Toronto has some significant advantages, such as being near some of the best restaurants in the town. You can try delicious food at Top 5 Italian Restaurants Downtown Toronto, Best Restaurants in Toronto Financial District, or Find Best Sushi in Downtown Toronto in These Restaurants.
Moreover, if you want to have some fun, go to The Best 5 Bars Downtown Toronto or Best Coffees in Downtown Toronto and The Best Places to Stay near Them! Toronto is a perfect place for shopping; make sure you visit the famous Eaton Center and other shopping complexes in Toronto.